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Juliette De Maeyer, Aleksandra Kaminska & Ghislain Thibault

Material Histories of Paper

De Maeyer, Juliette; Kaminska, Aleksandra; Thibault, Ghislain: Material Histories of Paper, 2024.
Online: <https://doi.org/10.13098/infoclio.ch-lb-0012>.

Creating Paper


Dupuigrenet-Desroussilles, François: La galaxie Tsaï-Loun, in: Les cahiers de médiologie 4 (2), Paris 1997, S. 65–83. Online: <https://doi.org/10.3917/cdm.004.0065>, Stand: 07.03.2024.
Bloom, Jonathan M.: Papermaking. The Historical Diffusion of an Ancient Technique, in: Jöns, Heike; Meusburger, Peter; Heffernan, Michael (Hg.): Mobilities of Knowledge, Cham 2017 (Knowledge and Space), S. 51–66. Online: <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-44654-7_3>, Stand: 07.03.2024.
Febvre, Lucien Paul Victor; Martin, Henri Jean: La question préalable . L’apparition du papier en Europe, in: Febvre, Lucien Paul Victor; Martin, Henri Jean: L’apparition du livre, Paris 1958, S. 64–88. Online: <https://doi.org/10.1522/030077547>, Stand: 07.03.2024.
Wilson, Georgina: Surface Reading Paper as Feminist Bibliography, in: Criticism 64 (3), 05.06.2023. Online: <https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/criticism/vol64/iss3/10/>.
Goodman, Dena: Why Is Writing Paper Blue? Colour and Fashion in Eighteenth Century Writing Paper, in: Corcy, Marie-Sophie; Douyère-Demeulenaere, Christiane; Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane (Hg.): Les archives de l’invention : Écrits, objets et images de l’activité inventive, Toulouse 2006 (Méridiennes), S. 537–546. Online: <https://books.openedition.org/pumi/41243?lang=fr>, Stand: 07.03.2024.
Senchyne, Jonathan: Rags Make Paper, Paper Makes Money. Material Texts and Metaphors of Capital, in: Technology and Culture 58 (2), 2017, S. 545–555. Online: <https://works.hcommons.org/records/svxnz-rtf81>.
Aleksandra Kaminska, Rafico Ruiz: Mediating the Tree. Infrastructures of Pulp and Paper Modernity in The Bowater Papers, in: Canadian Journal of Communication 46 (2), 24.04.2021, S. 315–343. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/65363fd9661e3db933df0aea441719b94b8d05ed.pdf>.
Stamm, Michael: What We Can Learn From Books in the Digital Age, in: Studies in Communication Sciences 23 (3), 09.12.2023, S. 311–320. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/668419f53321b18bb05c9d11117b977e83b10613.pdf>.


Halliday, Ayun: The Making of Japanese Handmade Paper. A Short Film Documents an 800-Year-Old Tradition, 5:40 min, Vimeo, 02.05.2016. Online: <https://www.openculture.com/2016/05/the-making-of-japanese-handmade-paper.html>, Stand: 12.03.2024.
Vachon, Marius: Les arts et les industries du papier en France, 1871-1894, Paris 1894. Online: <https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6549552r>, Stand: 12.03.2024.
LaRoche, Gil: La fabrication du papier, 15 min, 1954. Online: <https://www.onf.ca/film/fabrication_du_papier/embed/player/>, Stand: 12.03.2024.

Moving Paper


Bellingradt, Daniel: The Paper Trade in Early Modern Europe: An Introduction, in: The Paper Trade in Early Modern Europe. Practices, Materials, Networks, 2021, S. 1–27. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/27da03126c74ec3a267b0878cda5d5a2cd96654f.pdf>, Stand: 17.04.2024.
Gendron, Céline: Les archives manuscrites avouent ! Papier d’écriture en Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle . Usages, usagers et catégories de documents, in: Archives 48 (1), 2019, S. 55–87. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/f75c972498b8b6caea2706247f9566b54f5c8fd1.pdf>, Stand: 14.03.2024.
Hubbard, Phillippa: Trade Cards in 18th-Century Consumer Culture: Circulation, and Exchange in Commercial and Collecting Spaces, in: Material Culture Review, 01.01.2012. Online: <https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/MCR/article/view/20447>, Stand: 17.04.2024.
Blum, Hester: Dead Letter Reckoning, in: Blum, Hester: The News at the Ends of the Earth. The Print Culture of Polar Exploration, 2019, S. 177–208. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/42c6799e7ad0498bd0c53b6e179f64d7fd824209.pdf>, Stand: 14.03.2024.


Blevins, Cameron; Wu, Yan; Braun, Steven: Gossamer Network. A Companion Website to Cameron Blevins, Paper Trails. The US Post and the Making of the American West (Oxford University Press, 2021), 2021, <https://gossamernetwork.com/>, Stand: 14.03.2024.
Wilding Picture Productions, Inc. Chicago: Trees to Tribunes, 19:17 min, 1937. Online: <http://archive.org/details/TreestoT1937>, Stand: 14.03.2024.
Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen: Prize Papers Materiality: Practices, <https://materiality.prizepapers.de/practices>, Stand: 14.03.2024.

Organizing (with) Paper


Young, Liam Cole: Administration I: The State, the Fact, and Double-Entry Bookkeeping, in: List Cultures, Amsterdam 2017, S. 67–84. Online: <https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/49985/9789048530670.pdf?sequence=1>.
Robertson, Craig: Granular Certainty, the Vertical Filing Cabinet, and the Transformation of Files, in: Administory 4 (1), 01.12.2019, S. 71–86. Online: <https://sciendo.com/article/10.2478/adhi-2019-0005>, Stand: 14.03.2024.
Leong, Elaine: Collecting Knowledge for the Family: Recipes, Gender and Practical Knowledge in the Early Modern English Household, in: Centaurus 55, 2013, S. 81–103. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/413a8f2c22a0e38cda3b5e2b55797ba279924f2d.pdf>.
Bustarret, Claire: Couper, coller dans les manuscrits de travail du XVIIIe au XXe siècle, in: Michel, Albin (Hg.): Lieux de savoir 2: Les mains de l’intellect, 2011, S. 353–375. Online: <https://savoirs.app/en/articles/couper-coller-dans-les-manuscrits-de-travail-du-xviii-e-au-xx-e-siecle>.
Bonhomme, Julien: Passeport pour le Ciel. Prophétisme et bureaucratie au Congo (1921-1960), in: Gradhiva. Revue d’anthropologie et d’histoire des arts (32), 24.03.2021, S. 124–143. Online: <https://doi.org/10.4000/gradhiva.5558>, Stand: 14.03.2024.


The Jim Henson Company: Paperwork Explosion, 4:58, YouTube, 1967. Online: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IZw2CoYztk>, Stand: 18.03.2024.
Van Acker, Wouter: Mapping Knowledge. The Visualizations of Paul Otlet, Archives of the Mundaneum by the Ghent University Library, 2011, <https://artsandculture.google.com/story/mapping-knowledge/XgXRA7cl3h4A8A>, Stand: 18.03.2024.

Manipulating Paper


Scott, Janet Lee: Traditional Values and Modern Meanings in the Paper Offering Industry of Hong Kong, in: Evans, Grant; Tam, Maria (Hg.): Hong Kong. The Anthropology of a Chinese Metropolis, Honululu 1997. Online: <https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/a3c1e3d3-fdfb-4ce2-a468-68f4b1082d1a/content#page=240>.
Michelon, Christina: Touching Sentiment. The Tactility of Nineteenth-Century Valentines, in: The Journal of Early American Life 16 (2), 2016. Online: <https://commonplace.online/article/touching-sentiment/>, Stand: 24.10.2023.
Crain, Patricia: Potent Papers, in: Commonplace 9 (1), 2008. Online: <https://commonplace.online/article/potent-papers/>, Stand: 30.04.2024.
Robertson, Craig; Lynch, Deidre: Pinning and Punching. A Provisional History of Holes, Paper, and Books, in: Inscription:The Journal of Material Text – Theory, Practice, History, 19.10.2021. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/664a096e192f26d83c8333afb3c7f0074e2b3a73.pdf>, Stand: 18.03.2024.
Melay, Alexandre; Morisson, Valérie: De la page blanche à la sculpture, les multiples formes de l’objet-livre - Entretien, in: Interfaces. Image Texte Language (45), 12.07.2021. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/8f115ac58af3b96542d83752f0714d5d80df2d2b.pdf>, Stand: 18.03.2024.


Warne, Vanessa; Krahn, Jessie; Hung, Anne: Paper Worlds (S1E6), Podcast Crafting Communities, Bd. 6, 52 min., 2021. Online: <https://www.craftingcommunities.net/s1e6-paper-worlds>, Stand: 24.10.2023.
Kaminska, Aleksandra; De Maeyer, Juliette: The Perfect Cut. Talking with Myriam Dion, in: Inscription. The Journal of Material Text – Theory, Practice, History 2, 19.10.2021. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/d02180561dcc5b5fd27d2ddf4312d747979aa7ec.pdf>, Stand: 18.03.2024.
Smyth, Adam: Slicing the Page. Christophe Leutbrewer and Raymond Queneau, TEXT!, 23.04.2022, <https://adamsmyth.substack.com/p/slicing-the-page-christophe-leutbrewer>, Stand: 18.03.2024.

Enduring Paper


Werrett, Simon: Diverse Shapes. Used Goods as Material Resources in Early Modern Sciences, in: Isis 114 (2), 2023, S. 407–412. Online: <https://doi.org/10.1086/724876>, Stand: 19.03.2024.
Blacker, Sarah: Analogue Privacy: The Paper Shredder as a Technology for Knowledge Destruction, in: Bauer, Susanne; Schlünder, Martina; Rentetzi, Maria (Hg.): Boxes: A Field Guide, Manchester 2020. Online: <http://livingbooksabouthistory.ch/uploads/media/section/0001/01/7ecbe29e1ffd789912491dc850e4319351ba5043.pdf>, Stand: 19.03.2024.
Walsby, Malcolm: La survie improbable : les livres sauvés par leur matérialité, in: La Revue de la BNU (21), 01.05.2020, S. 60–69. Online: <https://doi.org/10.4000/rbnu.5399>, Stand: 19.03.2024.
Favier, Lucie: Le papier permanent, in: La Gazette des archives 155 (1), 1991, S. 268–274. Online: <https://doi.org/10.3406/gazar.1991.3222>, Stand: 18.03.2024.
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Murphy, Brian Michael: Panic at the Library. The Sinister History of Fumigating “Foreign” Books, Lapham’s Quarterly, 23.08.2022, <https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/panic-library>, Stand: 19.03.2024.
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