Tara Andrews

Tara L. Andrews is Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Bern.
She has a dual background in software engineering and medieval Near Eastern history. She obtained her D.Phil. in Oriental Studies at the University of Oxford in 2009, and also holds an M.Phil. in Byzantine Studies (2005) from Oxford and a B.Sc. in Humanities and Engineering (1999) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her doctoral work focused on the twelfth-century Armenian-language Chronicle of Mattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi (Matthew of Edessa). More broadly, Tara’s research interests include Byzantine history of the middle period (in particular the tenth to twelfth centuries), Armenian history and historiography from the fifth to the twelfth centuries, and the application of computational analysis and digital methods to the fields of medieval history and philology. She is currently working on computational approaches to the theory behind stemmatic analysis of classical and medieval manuscript texts. The suite of online tools developed for this project are freely available online at http://stemmaweb.net/.