Anthony Glinoer holds the Canada Research Chair in the History of Publishing and the Sociology of Literature and is a professor at the Université de Sherbrooke (Québec).
His work focuses primarily on the history of publishing (Naissance de l’Éditeur. L’édition à l’âge romantique with Pascal Durand in 2005), on the literary imaginary (La bohème. Une figure de l’imaginaire social in 2018, co-direction of Imaginaires de la vie littéraire in 2012 and of Romans à clés in 2014) and on groups of writers and artists (L’âge des cénacles with Vincent Laisney in 2013). Anthony Glinoer also launched the Socius Project which encompasses new editions of classics in the social theory of literature, reedited or original bibliographies and a glossary of concepts assembled by an international team (see the open-access site He is presently directing an international research project on the archives of publishers in the international Francophonie (see the open-access site